Fr. Richard Keane
Cork Interdiocesan Marriage Tribunal
Tribunal Office
The Lough
T12 C654
Tel: 021 496 3653
International: +353 21 496 3653
Tribunal Office Hours:
Monday - Wednesday
9am - 5pm
Here are directions to the Tribunal Office, The Lough, Cork T12 C654
Our office is in the grounds of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, The Lough, Cork
Click or Tap this Button for Google Map location
Entrance to the Car Park of the Church of the Immaculate Conception
The Tribunal Office is located around the back (left and left again)
Aerial View
Other Tribunals in Ireland
Armagh Regional Marriage Tribunal
Tel: +44 (0)2837 524537
Dublin Regional Marriage Tribunal
Tel: +353 (0)1 837 9253
Galway Regional Marriage Tribunal
Tel: +353 (0)9 156 5179